It’s that time again – the time when we all think about the New Year’s resolutions we want to set and hope, above all, that we can stick to them. 💪🏻
I always think about the gym. Every year, I set a resolution that this is going to be the year I lose weight and eat healthy. Then, like many who go to the gym, after two weeks, that newfound enthusiasm evaporates. Slowly, excuses set in, until finally… I just stop going altogether and abandon the goal completely. I always ask myself why I never cross that finish line.
✔️ Was I not ready?
✔️ Too tired?
✔️ No motivation?
✔️ No buddy system?
✔️ Lazy?
It could be a number of these things… or it could also be that the goals we set are long-term, which makes them hard to see after just a couple of weeks. It’s why they named the second Friday in January “Quitter’s Day.” Think about it: If your goal is to lose weight, and that goal could be 50, 75, or even 100 pounds, losing a pound a week can feel disappointing after spending every day in the gym. It’s okay to have a big, long-term goal, but here’s the biggest tip I’m going to try this year: start small. If your goal is to lose 50 pounds, start by aiming for 3 pounds in the month of January. Then, you can adjust or keep the same goal as you progress until you reach your target. As they say, “It’s a sprint, not a marathon.”
It’s not just about starting small, but also ensuring we are in the right mindset to achieve our goals and stay motivated. Below are a few tips I’ve used in the past and will use this year for any goals I set (yes, losing weight and eating healthy will be one of them 😉), and hopefully, these tips will work for you, too.
- Listen only to yourself – Don’t you love when everyone tells you how you should do things? Thanks, but no thanks. Make sure you know what works for you and you are comfortable with it so you can stick to these new habits.
- Create accountability – Maybe it’s an alarm, a buddy system, a whiteboard, or a checklist. Whatever motivates you to ensure that you achieve what you want for the day, week, or month.
- Make a list – That’s right! We make lists for grocery shopping, travel, and even for our ideal spouse 😁. Why not for our goals? This isn’t just any old list but a MANDATORY list that we can hold ourselves accountable to.
- Reflection – Maybe you had a killer week, or maybe it didn’t go as planned. Take the time to figure out what worked or what didn’t, so you can adjust. Some people like to journal their activities for the week to help with this. Either way, it’s important for long-term success.
- Big picture – Yes, we talked about starting small, and that’s the right way to go. But also having a visual or written larger goal can help keep you on track and keep you motivated when times get tough or you feel like quitting. I know this year I have a killer bathing suit I want to buy, so anytime I feel like abandoning my goal, I’ll think about the bigger picture.
Don’t forget to stay positive. Sometimes we fall, and it feels impossible to get back up. But remember… there are others who didn’t even try, and you did. If you have a bad day, week, or month, tell yourself, “That’s okay, tomorrow will be great.” As my father always said, “Never, never, NEVER give up!”
What are your New Year’s resolutions? Drop a comment below. ⬇️ Don’t forget to check back and let’s check in with each other. I’d love to hear how we’re all doing.
LK 💋
Ilene Goldman
Great suggestions! I stopped making resolutions years ago in favor of choosing a word or theme to guide my year. I’ve found that works better for me.